Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just moved into our new digs

Today we checked out of our Guesthouse and made the daily trek to campus for our houseing tour. Luckily, this ended up being much easier than it had been made to sound. We now have a 2 bed apartment with hot water and air conditioning for about $117 a month plus utility. It is accross the river from Thammasat University, but the river ferry is only 3 baht per ride. While figureing out houseing i meet alot more international students, and some thai students, so i think ill be able to make some friends. Many of the Int'l students live in the same building as Steve and I, which has roof access to give a nice panoramic view of the city.
Steve and I found out we werent the only ones who were rather in the dark about how things are working around the University, we did find that we had gone on more adventures in the city than most of the other students, so that made me feel cool.

we found out that Tomorrow we have Basic Thai class at 9am, and then registration at either 1pm or 3pm (we heard both) and orientation at 4pm.

We meet a pair of girls who both go to school in Wisconsin (one goes to edgewood in madison, and the other eau Clair) and we tagged along with them to the mall. They had been spending the last couple of days at a really nice hotel in downtown bangkok. We hired a tuktuk to go there from the university, since they had not had the joy of riding in one. It was unfortunately durring rush hour so the ride was very long. When we got into the downtown area, they taught us how to use the SkyTrain in downtown to go to a mall in bangkok.

Malls in america, for the most part have vaulted ceilings, and wide walkways. The mall in bangkok was 8 stories of densely packed shops. It was like many street markets stacked on top of one another. However, EVERYTHING is for sale there. I saw pirated copies of movies (avatar anyone?) and software (operating systems and the adobe suite) and they have normal mall stuff like shoes, clothes, housewears, two food courts, and purses, including Goach, a knockoff of coach.

For now we are chilling in our new room, hopefully we will get a nice rest for our first class tomorrow, which i have no doubts we will since this is thus far the nicest place we have stayed here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you found a place! Is the internet access included? I am looking forward to a skype tour. (hint, hint, Steve)
