Monday, January 4, 2010

Gen Ed Woes

I realize now how good the international students at NWU have it. What i wouldnt give for an ipal right now.
I have no clue when housing is going to be set up. The houseing tour is tomorrow, but we were told that we were going to have to negotiate contracts ourselves. I had thought that the university would have some understanding with area landlords about a standard contract for international students, but it is not the case. Orientation is in two days, and we sign up for classes a day after that.
Class offerings are not what i had expected. I was intending on taking courses to fill Gen Eds. I used the university website to find the courses in their Thai Studies program that i could use to this end. Now i come here and find out that many of these courses are not being offered this semester. This information was only available as of Dec 30.
I dont know what im going to do if im unable to fulfill a handful of Gen Eds, as that was the only way that this trip was fiscally reasonable for me. Also, haveing to do those classes at NWU will take away from me taking theater classes, which i will already be a semester behind on. I am rather stressed about this right now.

On the plus side, the classes that Steve needed to take are available, and we can now get free wifi at the campus. The campus itself is quite inviting when the gates are opened, and rather nice looking on the inside. It reminds me slightly of the highschools that many primetime teen dramas are set in, out in california (the OC, one tree hill) with the school being partially open to the outdoors at all times.


  1. I am sorry about the classes, Josh. That's a big bummer. You should contact Jake and ask him for suggestions. I also hope you are able to find a good place to live, not to far from campus. Good luck with all of this. Hopefully this is the only rough spot with smooth sailing ahead.

  2. This situation is one of the reasons I gave up on studying abroad for so long and even at all here at KU. I know it's frustrating. I'm a year behind on stuff here at KU and have to take classes over both summers to graduate on time. Don't let it ruin your time in Thailand. Think of the wonderful opportunity you have to make a fool of yourself in front of random people you will never have to see again. I'm just kidding. But don't forget to enjoy this experience. It only happens once.
    Sick of my comments yet? : )
