Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!

Thailand, being a predominately Buddhist country does not celebrate Christmas as a national holiday, however the secular aspects of it creep into their culture more year after year, mostly due to shop owners seeing the monetary benefit of a holiday tradition based around buying stuff for people.

As for my christmas, Santa, unsurprisingly, blessed me with gifts perfect for my trip to Thailand.
Clothing for a tropical environment:
~A lightweight rain slicker that rolls up into a small pouch.
~A lightweight tee-shirt designed to wick sweat away from my body.
~Lightweight trousers (shorts are only worn by tourists, Thais almost always wear full length pants).
~A button up shirt that repels mosquitoes. I dont know exactly how its possible, but they apparently infused the shirt with mosquito repellent. Hopefully it will work on my trip to Cambodia, when i will be in a malaria zone.

In addition to Santa's thoughtful gifts my aunts and uncles also chipped in to assist my journey
~A money/passport pouch. Im said this is a must for international travel. It makes me feel like a badass worldwise traveler, so I dig it.
~Inflatable Travel Pillow. Its like and upgraded version of when i would inflate a plastic bag from lunch to use as a pillow in high school.
~1500 Baht in 20, 50 and 100 Baht notes. Lovely money, the color of monopoly. The most interesting thing is that the 100 Baht note is slightly longer than the 50 and the 50 is longer than the 20.
(33 Baht equal 1 Dollar, so this is about 45 Dollars worth of Thai Money)

Less than a week till I depart. I suppose I should give some thought to packing. . . Nah.

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